Monday, July 11, 2016

If This Doesn't Just Tug at Your Heartstrings....

This is a picture my six-year-old Levi drew for me.  That is a picture of a blanket my college roomie, Erin, sent to me.  I use it when I am on the lazy boy recovering from chemo.  The message says "Mommey (sic) I hope you feel better."

Levi is not one to sit down and draw pictures.  He leaves that for his sisters.  His idea of doing an art project consists of pissing of his sisters while they are doing art projects.  But break my heart, He spent several seconds drawing me a picture of my blanket while I was wallering in the Lazy Boy attempting to recover from a drug known as the "red death."  People are always asking me how the kids are doing.   And I guess the boy is doing pretty good, because Levi still  follows me in the bathroom and asks important questions like "Does the tooth fairy bring baseballs AND money sometimes?  Because I know that some tooth fairies bring baseballs."  As you can tell, this was an urgent question.  Urgent enough that it could not wait  the 30 seconds it was going to take me to pee in peace.  Quick sidebar. Levi recently pulled out a not quite very wiggly bottom tooth when our friend, Javier, bet him 20 bucks that he wouldn't do it.  He did it. With a trail of O positive trailing down his chin.  Also, they were in Hooters.  Because where else should you take a six year old boy to eat and dig out a tooth?

But like they say, kids are resilient.  Sometimes you just gotta be tough.  Like on the Kindergarten Celebration of Learning Day.  It was on a Wednesday, so I changed my chemo time to make sure I could be in attendance.  When I talked to Levi's teacher, she laughingly informed me that Levi told her and the class that I didn't have any hair because I had bugs.  Like lice.  So I had to get rid of my hair, because "No one wants bugs crawling around on their head."  He confused what Clay told him, "Mommy has a sick bug that is going to make her hair come out" with lice.  Totally legit confusion.

So my baby boy had to be tough when it was time for me to leave.  Some other kids got to go home with their parents, but I had to go get chemo, so I couldn't take him with me.  I tried to explain that normally I would have been working, and he would have had to stay in school anyways.  But those big brown eyes welled up with tears and it took all I had not to fall apart.  The good news is that my kiddos are going to be too young to remember much of this.  It will just be me that remembers how Levi would lay down in bed with me when I was really sick and watch "Blaze and the Monster Machines."  

1 comment:

  1. Kids are a blessing for any parents. During their early age like 3 - 7 years, most of trhe kids are naughty and don't listen to parents at once.
